Monday, October 26, 2009

mapping 5x5 on Adelade City Site

Ground floor plan. Yellow shows access, different colours are different uses or separate tenancies.

A second floor plan. Circulation in yellow, different apartments shown in different tones.
In both of these plans I gave each tenancy at least one face touching the yellow access and one on the exterior. The ground floor of course can be accessed directly.

From here i need to work out: 
  • access rules for emergency exits
  • start apartment plans, especially to check lighting.
  • tenancies/apartments with multiple floors - the exciting part. 
    • reducing circulation space
    • turning the building into a tetris sculpture
    • more organic forms in 3D

1 comment:

  1. Circulation needs to be re-planned as there must be one cube distance to an exit for sole occupancy units. OR choice of 2 within 6m, furthest being 6m away so; dwelling- 6m- choice- 6m- exit.
    I think exits in succession can be up to 18m apart
    for aneX 3 cubes between exits
