Friday, October 23, 2009

level-by-level build up - lanes/courts/sun access

Ground level: I allowed for lanes to penetrate the ground level. These lanes stem from existing axis' within the context and divide the mass into similar scale chunks.
Courts/squares have  been generated at the interior termination of lanes. these would form outdoor rooms and meeting spaces, attracting permeation through the lanes.

Level 2 & 3: Building vertically with two rules. 
  • North, East and West edges go straight up.
  • Southern edges step one cube back, I did this to increase sun access.
 The rule is broken on the south west corner where i thought the warehouse roof could do without sun.


Full Form 4 levels: Even though I was meant to make 6 stories? I stopped because the real limit was 21m for a Parisian urban height which if done throughout the city would allow light to reach the streets.
I found this a great experiment even though the cube dimensions are totally unresolved, I think of it as an incorrect resolution like a low-res digital image. Still the essence is there and this is practice. Other elements i left out in this model are spans and cantilevers which I would like to use much more as they are an inbuilt ability of the cubes. I propose that a cantilever of 2 cubes and a span of 4 cubes to be the maximum limits. This should be explored soon.

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